Abogados, Economistas y Auditores
Abogados, Economistas y Auditores

Consulting services to small and medium size companies


S.Llamas y Asociados facilitate enterprise solutions that allow the small and medium size companies to outsource certain activity areas in order to contribute and allow their company developement and growth. The firm has a wide experience in consulting to Cooperatives and JointVentures.

Short term financial planning: economic budgeting, treasury management, and negotiation with financial entities.

As to investments schemes, we offer viability, profitability and rationalization.

Maintenance of accounting books

Tax liquidations and declarations.

Completion of pay-sheets. Declaration and liquidation of social security contributions.

Labour consultancy and personnel training.

Management of government grants.


Contacto / Contact

Lunes a Jueves/ Monday to Thursday 9:00 - 14:00 y/and 16:00 - 19:30 Viernes/Friday 9:00 - 14:00

S.Llamas y Asociados

Martin Villa 5 Entresuelo

41003 Sevilla


Correo electrónico / Contact email:


Si tiene cualquier duda acerca de nuestros servicios o si desea concertar una cita, llámenos al siguiente número de teléfono:


If you have any questions concerning our services or if you want to arrange a meeting, you can contact with us in telephone number:


(+34) 954219452


Si lo desea, también puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros a través de nuestro formulario.


If you want you can contact with us using our form.

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